"EXCEL" Awards 2019 Overview




In 2014, Women In Worship Ministries, Inc., celebrated its First "EXCEL" Honoree Awards during the 2014 Conference in Fredericksburg, Virginia (Please see the 2014, 2015, and 2017 Honorees page).


NOW is your opportunity to nominate someone today in one of the categories listed below or in another area of distinction surrounding their field of study or life's work. Candidates cannot be self nominated.



"EXCEL" Award Categories


Academics, The Arts, Science, Business/Entrepreneurs, Technology, Sports, Law/Politics, Law Enforcement/Government, Religion, Humanities, Sociology/Psychology, Medicine, History, Non Profit Organizations, Philanthropy, Community Service, Social Justice, Home/Foreign Missions, other/etc.



Nominations Policy


To nominate girls or women, provide the following information about the nominee:

  • Full Name

  • Age (if under 21; however, must be 15 yrs. in age)

  • Mailing Adderss including zip code

  • Phone number(s) including area codes

  • Email address

  • Specify the Awards Category to which you are nominating the candidate

  • Write a 1 to 2 paged biography (no more than 2 pages please!)

Also include:

  • Your full name, mailing address including zip code, email address, phone number(s) 

  • In no more than 500 words, tell us why are are nominating the candidate


Nominations close on June 1, 2019.


For luncheon tickets, see the home page to purchase online or by mail, send checks, money orders, cashier's checks to:


          Women In Worship Ministries Inc.

          "EXCEL" Honors 2019

          11801 Gardenia Drive

          Fredericksburg, VA 22407


Adult tickets are $45/each

Student tickets are $25/each (includes college age with student I.D.) NO REFUNDS AFTER SEPTEMBER 30, 2019.